Monday, January 28, 2008

Best of E.F.Y.

last saturday i had the chance to go to the best of E.F.Y and the speaker's that came to it were Br. Jacobs and he asked the question: what do you beleive? and talked about his missionary companion and how when he and his companion were in the air port and plane and Br. jacobs asked: rex has anybody in your family been converted yet? and rex said: no but i am going to try and convert the bishop and if i can convert him my family will follow him. And Br. jacobs said: you do that. and 15 years later he was speaking in southern california and and about 3/4 the way back there is rex and stops in mid sentance and says: rex!! is that you? and rex said: yes but can we talk later? sure and so rex asked Br. Jacobs to come to his house and he says sure and he takes him there and shows him his family and Br. Jacobs asked: rex, has anybody in your family become a member yet? and said: no,
i hope that we can be a example and Know that we know that this is true.

1 comment:

Whit+knee said...

Hey I don't know who you are but I was looking for the date that best of EFY was coming to where I live and your blog came up. That is such a cool story about knowing the truth. I know it too.