We woke up early saturday to go to the temple to do baptisms for the dead, and we had 18 youth show up and it was a great turnout and we had to be there at 6:15 A.M. and my family was in charge of the boy scout pow wow at 8:30 and my mom, dad and my sister liesl all had to teach classes because the real teachers coudn't come and so that was a long good to get done morning and so then we came home and strted to work on the yard and got alot of things done and then my mom and dad tried to get Jed out of the door to go somewere or do something and so people could show up and when he would come home there would be a surprise b-day party but no he didn't want to go anywere and we stayed up and played games and i got to play this kid and play some b-ball 1 on 1 with this kid named lucas who is 16 and I beat him 14 21 and that was my weekend.